Vu-Bridge | Play like a Champion!

Vu-Bridge Quizzes

Do you need to enhance your bidding skills?

Do you want to learn how to lead against all sorts of contracts with accuracy?

This is precisely what Vu-Bridge Quizzes are all about:

We are lucky enough to have the famous bridge author Marti Ronemus creating our Monday and Friday quizzes, while other members of the Vu-Bridge dream team are preparing our Wednesday opening lead quizzes.

Receive our 5 questions quizzes each Monday, Wednesdayand Friday in your mailbox!

Just the right format thousands of addicted bridge players love: quick, easy enough and full of wisdom. Subscribe to Quiz Expert: $44.95 pa

There's also a Quiz Beginner version, whith plenty of useful hints. Subscribe to Quiz Beginner: $44.99 pa